For Allergy, Flu, Sneezing, Sinusitis, Chronic, Nasal Bone Growth


SKU: UBQARI115 Category:


(Course for allergy, sneezing, chronic flu and increase of nose bone)
News from Islamabad is trees are cutting continually that are being cause of allergy but when a tree is cut down then many trees came out. Similarly, whenever anyone who suffering from chronic flu, his hair turned to white and started falling, mental weakness, memory weakness. As such we uses those medicines that provide relief from flue and allergy for time being but till then effects of medicine remain in body, patient feeling relief from sneezing but whenever effect of medicine remove sneezing started. Sometimes, due to allergy marks appear on the body, itching, growth of nasal bone, effect on heart and mind even deficiency of sleep. Whenever allergy increases then skin problems also increases and we use creams or ointment on it because we think that it is the cure for skin. Is the ointment and creams provides permanent relief? No, for chronic flue, allergy, growth of nasal bone, congestion of nose and skin problems even for allergy asthma the best and tested treatment is “Alergy, Chenkain, Daimi Nazla, Nak ki Hadi Ka Barhana Course”
Price: Rs.600/- except postal charges (medicine for 15 days)


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