BADHAZMI,GAS,TABKHEER (course) – – Indigestion, Gas


SKU: UBQARI113 Category:


(Indigestion, gas, evaporation system, increasing abdomen is curable course)
In such a modern and fast life, food disorder and use of chillies and spices items in food etc destroy intestine and stomach system and make them inactive. One who take food and for the digestion of such food necessary to do a work like walk and other light exercise but in such a fast life no one have to time for these, as such that food rotten in stomach or in intestines and creating gas and acidity. If such gas rise toward mind then one feeling drowsiness and lazy or become sleepless, surrounding of face become red and hot. If one feeling giddiness, blood pressure, tension and irritation, indigestion of food, increase heartbeat, feeling heart sink, blisters on tongue and bring a white layer on tongue, panic feelings, odor smell from mouth, constipation or passing stools unsatisfactory, swelling of gums, blister in mouth etc all these symptoms of stomach disorder, evaporation, gas and constipation. If soda or acid water uses in such condition than patient feel himself good but in fact it may be more dangerous for health and be the cause of Ulcer in stomach or incurable diseases of stomach. Our research department discovered effective medicine for such diseases, you can also take benefit from it and enlisted in lot of people who healed and be successful.


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