TIBBE NABWI HUSN WA JAMAL (Cream) – – Beauty Cream – Faceon
₨ 330
Those male and female who depressed with use of medicines, creams, ointments, cosmetics, chemical filled lotion, makeup articles for their face beauty. Those who spent thousands of rupees to beautify their face, their face skin may be disorder, stain on face, wrinkle on face, any type of new or old eczema, white pimples on face like barley or prickle with pus, blue stain on face, skin of face dismembered on dry, pullulate of hair on face and stain of hiding, rough & tough skin and dull faces, mostly such diseases attack on young boys and girls and took as worries as they use many sterilized cosmetics and ointment some time they get time being relief but whenever they left use of these sterilized cosmetics and ointment, pimples and wrinkles come back and due to under confidence they hiding their faces for such disappointed boys and girls, Idara Ubqari prepare “Tib-e-Nabvi Husn-o-Jamal Careem” with the pure natural Nabvi herbs. “Tib-e-Nabvi Husn-o-Jamal Careem” is the result of years experiment. Continue use of this provide natural beauty to your face with the removal of all diseases of face make your face fresh and brighten.
Our observation and experiment: continue treatment of patients and experience of years makes cause of many experiments and observation such experiments and observation from treatment of patients proved helpful for relief. In modern life, pollution effected on those parts of the body that are open and out of them face is standout. Face is the reflection of your temperament, mirror of your one beauty and shows internal desire. Everyone wants to be looking beautiful, my face looking fresh. It is not an exaggeration that from first of the earth to today every human, whether man and weman, tries to his face looking the most beautiful and fresh. A modest woman visited at Idara Akbari and during discussion, she crying as much as she indulged in hiccup. At last she informed that in his teen age she was very beautiful but as she reached at the age of young, pimples came out at her face, she paid no heed on it but these pimples large in size then she rush and used creams, lotion and soap but unfortunately her face gone ugly. Calm down her, advised her for the use of “Tib-e-Nabvi Husn-o-Jamal Cream” and on use of it her face became clear and pimples removed as that was never existed there. Similarly, lots of women spending hundreds of thousand rupees for the beauty of their face but they did not find anything except disappointment. In this situation “Tib-e-Nabvi Husn-o-Jamal Cream” is not less than miracle.
Beautiful face was become the dream: Alady wrote letter to Ubqari, she describe that her age is 22 years old, her skin is oily and pimples on her face has been came out for last 10 years due to which ditches occurred on her face that looking too bad and now skin rashes on face also came out and face looking old age woman. She remains undertreated since long but she fed-up and asking what to do because her dream to be beautiful could not come true. She asked for advice of any medicine and cream. She was so disturb. She is advised for use of “Tib-e-Nabvi Husn-o-Jamal Cream”, after some time use that cream, she satisfied and send a thanks letter. “Tib-e-Nabvi Husn-o-Jamal Cream” make astonishing. A man came with his daughter and said “Hakeem Sahib! My daughter use expensive lotion etc. to increase her beauty. In fact, earlier my daughter has beautiful but she wants to be more beautiful, as such she applied these lotions on her face for sometime her face looking so fresh that whoever sees her say amazing. We also happy to see that our child become beautiful & happy but after some day small pimples and thin brown hair were came on her face and my daughter, who is 18 years old looking 40 years old lady and wrinkle appear on the skin of face. Now, she and we also feeling embarrassing, when any one to see her and thought that what happened. She is unmarried.” I relaxed him and advised to get use her daughter of “Tib-e-Nabvi Husn-o-Jamal Cream”, further advised that she will not use anything else with this cream on face. Parents follow the instructions and after sometime, parents of the daughter visited at Idara Akbari and informed that now their daughter’s face is clean, “Tib-e-Nabvi Husn-o-Jamal Cream” done amazing job.
My complexion become white like milk: a sister wrote a letter and she informed in it as “I am reader of your monthly Ubqari and I have confidence over medicine that write in Ubqari. I have been keen interested in Ubqari and waiting for Ubqari every month. A day, we cousins, of same age group and class fellow, sit together, and examine each other in study, talking about here there then my cousin said that two months holidays is ahead why not you spend time on your beauty and I am also efforts to be more beautiful. We decided who will be made her face white like milk. Later on, I take Ubqari and read all chapters about face and through phone call I brought “Tib-e-Nabvi Husn-o-Jamal Cream” and started to use it because I have confidence on Ubqari. After two months, when we cousins met with each other then my cousin said that really your face is looking white like milk and shining like moon. She asked me and said is the magic you found? How much money you spent for that beauty? Because my cousin used expensive items but its face complexion still dull. I introduced Ubqari and informed about unbelievable effects of “Tib-e-Nabvi Husn-o-Jamal Cream”.
Appreciation of a woman to Ubqari: Today many things have been invented to beautify face but these articles are as expensive as common ladies have not approach to take it. It seems that beautification is in the approach of rich women only but invention of “Tib-e-Nabvi Husn-o-Jamal Cream” gives message of beauty to women of every community and faith. Any sister can purchase “Tib-e-Nabvi Husn-o-Jamal Cream” easily and be herself good looking and beautiful. A woman sent an appreciation letter to Ubqari, she wrote as “you made an amazing cream with the composition of Nabvi (SAW) herbs that cream providing benefits to poor and middle status community. No doubt Ubqari is the most and generous helper for every problem and difficulties.”
We made attractive in the eye of husband: manywomen call on phone and many write letter who were disturb from the problems of their face, their husbands does not like them due pimples and skin rashes on their face and due to only this reason issue reach up to divorce (Talaq) butchoice of “Tib-e-Nabvi Husn-o-Jamal Cream” and its use get reliefs from all problems of face, make face beautiful and fresh. These women are saying that now they are attractive for their husbands.
Note: Women only can exhibit their beauty to husband only.
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