Sumac (Sumaq)

 120 960


  • High in vitamin C and good for immunity
  • Beneficial for Asthmatic Problems
  • Good for Diabetics
  • Lowers bad cholesterol
  • Beneficial for Diarrhea


SKU: H0205 Category:



Sumac (سماق) also known as Sumach, Sumak, Soumak, Sumaq & Rhus Coriaria, local to the Middle East, creates dark red berries. The berries have diuretic properties, and are used in bowel complaints and for reducing fever. In the Middle East, a sour drink is made from them to relieve stomach upsets.


Sumac is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory spices out there. It ranks high on the ORAC chart, which means it’s packed with antioxidants and has the ability to neutralize free radicals that can cause cancer, heart disease, and signs of aging.

Sumac is also a beneficial ingredient for those with type 2 diabetes. Studies have shown that daily intake of sumac for three months will lower the risk of cardiovascular disease among people with type 2 diabetes.

  • High in vitamin C and good for immunity
  • Balances blood sugar levels
  • Reduces cholesterol
  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Reduces the chance of bone depletion
  • Calms muscle aches
  • Can help in the fight against cancer
  • Fights Fungal Infections
  • Fight Germs
  • Is Good For Diabetes
  • Is Beneficial For Women’s Health
  • It’s a Diuretic
  • It helps fight allergies


Additional information


Whole, Powder, Grounded


50 gm, 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm


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