HEPATITS NIJAT SYRUP – – Hepatits Cure Syrup (Liverton)
₨ 150
(Relief from Hepatitis Syrup)
Today most people suffering in hepatitis and there is hepatitis virus everywhere. It is silent killer and slow poison. It weak immunity and liver system, yellow whole body, yellow urine, white or dusty stool, constipation or motion, pain at liver and some time patient seeing everything yellow. Ailment increases and converts in cancer. Allah creates treatment for every disease through natural herbs whereas in this scientific era, treated patients with technology through more expensive injections but these injections could not provide relief patient from hepatitis. We collect natural herbs take out their juice in shape of syrup through homemade and natural methods. That syrup has natural test without any chemical. Hepatitis patients who tested many medicines for hepatitis, spent millions and disappointed, when they use “Hepatitis Nijat Syrup” and after that get laboratory report, they are surprised their hepatitis gradually remove and after some time he gain complete health.
Bitter test but sweet effect: test of “Hepatitis Nijat Syrup” is bitter but don’t worry, use it with confidence because this syrup is very effective and relievable. It removes constipation, restore liver functions due to this stool may pass for black or yellow color till then wastage will not took out from stomach and liver, hepatitis will not eliminate. Someday pass stool black or yellow colour then gradually came on its natural colour, this is sign of hepatitis treatment. Sensitive patients, if they feel exhausted then they may reduce quantity of medicine instead of stop medication.
Complete Course of Hepititis A.B.C. for Rs.1200: Complete Course of “Hepatitis Nijat Syrup” is 10 bottles of Rs.120/- each i.e. Rs.1200/-. These 10 bottles enough for treatment of Hepatitis A.B.C. This course gain health to patient who lay down on death bed. It root out hepatitis instead of provide time being relief. It clean liver, remove its deficiency and provide immunity as such liver start functioning and cleaning blood and blood looking on face as health. Patient is also feels better and healthy.
Syrup is treatment of hepatitis and blood making machine: a proper quantity of blood in the body remain it healthy. Unfortunately, you feel that facial skin going to be yells and rough, shortness of breath feel on walk, tiredness and irritation of hands & feet, loss of appetite, acute thrust, yellow layer on tongue, laziness are the symptoms of liver disorder. Don’t delay and use “Hepatitis Nijat Syrup”. With the grace of Allah, after some day of use yellowness of eyes & face will turn in pink, tiredness & weakness turn in activeness & strength and liver make blood in bulk. At this moment, after cancer, treatment of Hepititis is the most expensive due to which million of patients die without treatment. Good news, treatment for these disappointed patients is only for Rs.1200/-. In letter, phone calls and meetings, people telling that “Hepatitis Nijat Syrup” give new life to poor people. Many patients after treatment of Hepatitis said as “Hepatitis Nijat Syrup is as inexpensive as give result in shape of health.” Many Hakeems, Doctors and readers of Ubqari introducing “Hepatitis Nijat Syrup” to patients of hepatitis and provide treatment to helpless and frustrated people. A widow, who have 2 sons and 5 daughters, her elder son was driver and was the only supporter of whole family, he has children also. Unfortunately, due to eating food at hotels he was suffering illness and lay down on bed. Later, it reveals that he is suffering in hepatitis as such all money they have spent on his treatment. As introduction, 10 bottles of “Hepatitis Nijat Syrup” was given to him by Idara Ubqari. By the grace of Allah, after taking 3 bottles, he started driving again and after using all 10 bottles he become healthy and normal. We receive like this many stories about “Hepatitis Nijat Syrup”. A man came with a hepatitis patients, he was belong to middle class family. He informed that earlier he was suffering in jaundice, treatment started but it increased and become Hepatitis “C”. He got treatment but everywhere he was disappointed. I advised him for “Hepatitis Nijat Syrup” and informed that 10 bottles of syrups is only for Rs.1200/-. That man smiles and says “Hakeem Sahib whether hepatitis patient may get treatment from bottles of only Rs.1200/-.” He did not believe on it. However, after some day, patients himself visited at Ubqari Office and informs as “my hepatitis report is normal”. “Hepatitis Nijat Syrup” is suitable for everyone. It has no side effect.
For beauty of face and obesity: obesity, and facial pimple, spots and skin rashes make beauty dull and personality unattractive, use “Hepatitis Nijat Syrup” because it make better performance of liver, liver cleaning blood and blood make face fresh, soft and attractive. Don’t know how many people say that on use of “Hepatitis Nijat Syrup” their facial pimple, skin rashes, spots and, facial stain and obesity also remove. A lot of people through letters, calls and meeting saying that by “Hepatitis Nijat Syrup” they get relief from obesity and constipation.
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