₨ 300
In order treatment of disorder periods: all those women, whose periods are in disorder, facing problems in periods, periods came after date, feeling severe pain in these days, pain in body, pain in abdomen, unrest, increasing heartbeat, giddiness, sleeplessness, sorrow, sweating, disorder of digestion, irritation, nausea, feel so severe pain near center of abdomen as woman weeping. Due to such illness, swelling appears on her uterus due to which pregnancy may fall again and again, for such helpless women “Harmons Shifa Course” has been set. After use it, periods fled out on time, easily without pain. “Harmons Shifa Course” enrich to uterus. It drains out stopped blood in necessary quantity. Those patients who could not be pregnant, they remain deprived from blessing of child, for them “Harmons Shifa Course” is the blessing of Allah. Once you use it constantly then you see its effect. Those teen girls who reach at age of puberty and it is tragedy with them that they could not drain out periods every month and after stop of contaminated blood inside it converted into poisonous and due to these reasons facial hair grow and some girls gone to obesity, increasing fat and some girls face fill with pimples as such they feel embarrassment. These teen girls did not tell anybody and secretly uses creams, Ubton (herbal paste to beautify bride) and other chemical filled medicines and no one take attention over main reason. “Harmons Shifa Course” is the best and effective medicine for these girls to maintain their period, purify blood and make face clean and fresh. In some women after birth of baby period stopped, for these women we invented “Harmons Shifa Course”. Use “Harmons Shifa Course” constantly from two to three months for forever relief instead of time being benefit.
Note: during periods women avoid from taking bath, cold water and washing clothes.
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