Gestofill Liquid


SKU: qarshi56 Category:


Gestofill syrup is a complete and balanced medicine for the treatment of flatulence and indigestion. It valuable herbs has carminative and mildly laxative effect to the gastric mucosa increases peristalsis there by relieves cramping and expel gas. Increased activation of smooth muscle contractile mechanisms resulting in long-lasting contractions-spasms of Gut smooth muscles leads to distention and abdomenalgia, carminatives increase the intercellular concentration of calcium ions and/or increase the affinity of thin contractile filaments for them which ease griping pains and reduce the production of gas in the digestive tract. Occasionally ease apparent heart symptoms through removing the pressure of flatulence and digestive pain. Digestive stimulation through:• Stimulating liver to secrete bile rich in bile acids.• By stimulation of enzyme activities that are responsible for digestion.Also locally anti-inflammatory and mildly anti-microbial effect upon the lining and the muscle coats of the alimentary canal.


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