Fitness Folad Taniq


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Complete mental or physical Tonic that make face like flower. It is tonic for increase blood and provides energy. “Fitness Foulad Tonic” is really a tonic as you dream, it increase appetite, digests food and absorb in the body, nerves, mental and body grows, restores energy that was lost in disease. It is trustful tonic for businessmen, occupational male & female. It is effective for weak people, maintains liver function, creates red blood cells in large number, provides energy to body, makes face fresh and soft, removes irritation of urine, strengthens gallbladder, eliminates inflammation of sexual tissues, enhances reproduction substance and active sperms and maintain your beauty.
“Fitness Foulad Tonic” for women: during pregnancy “Fitness Foulad Tonic” abstain women from weakness, it increases feminine beauty and, makes face attractive, fresh, soft and healthy. For those mothers who feed her milk to child, use of “Fitness Foulad Tonic” increase in their milk and make milk strong and digestible as well as resist against indigestion, dyspepsia, gas and chest infection. It is the best tonic to relief those women who are suffering in leaking white fluid due to which their body and eyes become yellow. Due to excess of period, it provides remedy in deficiency of blood and restores health.
“Fitness Foulad Tonic” is priceless gift for children: it provides relief to younger and growing children by removing deficiency of appetite, irritating attitude, it strengthen bones & nervous, provide energy to mind and enrich memory, raise immunity to secure from diseases, raise heights, eliminate effects of fever, helps children in study etc. It also provides relief to patients of thalassemia also.
“Fitness Foulad Tonic” is “Water of life” for aged people: It raise wave of nervous power in the body of weak and exhausted, keeps old age people far from weakness and diseases like stroke, paralysis, trembling and bending of nerves. It maintains their eyesight, strengthen mind & teeth, by enrich backbone keep secure from banding of back and it provide relief from body pain.
Dosage: Takeone table spoon tonic with water or milk. For children one tea spoon tonic with milk, tonic is use in place of sugar.


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