Corezcol Syrup


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Whooping cough (pertussis) is an infection of the respiratory system caused by the bacterium “bordetella pertussis”. It multiplies in airways lining and paralyzes mucus-clearing components of the lining, causing an accumulation of mucus on the other hand worsening of inflammation (swollen airways) cause narrowing of airways followed by intense bouts of cough(paroxysmal cough). During a bout of coughing, the patient eventually gasps for air which can sometimes end in a “whooping” sound when the person breathes in, face turns red, and eyes are filled with tears and sometimes become out of breath. It mainly affects children with weak immunity.For the treatment of such a severe cough, Qarshi’s R&D Cell has prepared Corezcol (Whooping cough syrup) which is the compound of highly effective herbs. This syrup suppresses the cough instantly through bronchodilation, reducing inflammation and potential antibacterial properties and cures it gradually. Whenever you happen to notice the symptoms of whooping cough you can rely on Corezcol and instantly get rid of its tormenting symptoms.


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