Ceylon Cornel (Waras)

 460 4,060

SKU: H0052 Category:



Ceylon Cornel / Waras / Warss (ورس) is used as an ointment to treat spots, rashes and pimples that appear on the surface of the skin. Warss constipates, has a drying quality and helps against leprosy when taken as a drink.

Narrated by Tirmizi, Zaid Bin Al-Arqam Radi Allaho Anh related from Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam that he advised:

“مِن ذَاتِ الجَنْبِ وَرْساً وقُسْطاً وزيتاً يُلَدُّ به‏”

“Use Warss, Qust-al-Bahri & Olive oil for Pleurisy”

[Ibn Majah: 3596; Book. 31; Hadees. 3467] 



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50 gm, 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm


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