Blood Pressure Shifa
₨ 150
Blood Pressure Shifa, For Old Patients of Blood PressureHigh blood pressure is a fatal disease which is spreading rapidly. Those who use their brain while sitting on the chair are vulnerable. Anxiety, headache, tension, laziness, sleepless nights, pain in the whole or sometime in half head, dizziness, are common symptoms for high blood pressure. The patients use quite expensive and high dosage to cure it and eventually become addicted of these medicines. Ubqari presents “Blood Pressure Shifa” to cure the high blood pressure. It normalizes the blood pressure under any condition either high or low. Though it taste is bitter it works. There are many patients who would use several medicines to control the blood pressure have get rid of all of these medicines when they started this amazing medicine. ‘Blood Pressure Shifa’ not only control the blood pressure level but cures permanently. It cleans the blood and extends relief to brain. It is produced using pure herbals and free of chemicals and steroids. It is useful for all genders and age group. Another important advantage of ‘Blood Pressure Shifa’ is that it does not make the patient it addicted as compare to other medicines which volume has to increase gradually and patient becomes its addicted. ‘Blood Pressure Shifa’ syrup extends permanent relief and frees from all other medicines. How to use:Take one spoon of ‘Blood Pressure Shifa’ syrup three to five times in a day. It can also be mixed with water. It’s daily dosage may customized as per the situation.
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