Black Musli (Siyah Musli)
- Used In The Treatment Of Several Health Conditions
- Useful In Treating Piles And Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Boosts The Resistance Of Urinary System
- Effective In The Treatment Of Hepatitis
- good anti-oxidant
Black musli/Siyah Musli (کالی موصلی, سیاہ موصلی) or Curculigo Orchioides is a herb that belongs to the family Hypoxidaceae.
The medicinal properties of this herb are elucidated in several texts of ayurveda. It is also a major ingredient of several medicinal preparations in the Unani system of medicine. The ancient inhabitants of China were well aware of the medicinal properties of Black Musli and extensively used it in herbal preparations. The rhizome of this plant is utilized extensively for medicinal purposes.
The Ayurveda preparations of this herb are used in the treatment of several health conditions. The major uses can be classified as follows,
- Black Musli is used along with other herbs to treat bronchitis, chronic cough and asthma.
- Black Musli is effective in the treatment of hepatitis. It rejuvenates and detoxifies the liver and normalizes its function. It acts as a good appetite- stimulant and stabilizes digestion. The preparations of this herb are useful in treating piles and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
- Ayurveda also elaborates upon this herb’s aphrodisiac properties. Black Musli preparations are widely used in treating erectile dysfunction, low libido, low sperm count and low sperm motility. Ayurvedic texts immensely praise its properties of enhancing quality and quantity of semen.
- Black Musli acts as diuretic and boosts the resistance of urinary system against infections.
- The tuber of Black Musli is ground into paste and applied externally as an effective cure for several skin diseases.
- Black Musli is also used as a general systemic health enhancer. It strengthens the body and boosts immunity levels.
- It is effective in prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis.
- It is a very good anti-oxidant.
- Its rhizomes have antibacterial properties.
Avoid use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
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