Bitter Ginger (Narakchur)
₨ 108 – ₨ 1,340
- It Is Good To Prevent Cancer
- It Can Increase Appetite
- Helps To Burn Body Fat And Lose Weight
- Increase Metabolism.
- Can Help Moisturize The Skin
Bitter ginger/Narakchur (نرکچور) is also known as pinecone ginger and Zingiber Zerumbet because it is looks like ginger. It has lots of benefits including,
- It is good to prevent cancer, because it is able to inhibit and prevent the growth of cancer cells in our body.
- It can increase appetite.
- Increase metabolism.
- It can help to burn body fat and lose weight.
- Good for treating diarrhea and dysentery.
- Improve digestion and stomach ache.
- Can help moisturize the skin.
- Toothache
- It can be used as shampoo to wash hairs.
Additional information
Form | Whole, Powder, Grounded |
Size | 50 gm, 100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm |
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