
SKU: UBQARI069 Category:


Duke’s formula is for creating revolutionary power in the body.
Most effective formula for lots of diseases: “Zarghawani Naqrai” is a royal formula of Islamic medicine that was prepare specially for Kings, Dukes, Landlords and rich persons. Whenever Kings or Dukes suffering in illness, royal physicians or practitioners gather and counseling to prepare a formula for many diseases, it’s dose should be less in quantity & volume, more benefits for the health of Kings, Dukes etc. Out of these Royal formulas one is “Zarghawani Naqrai”, it is free from every kind of poisonous compounds or substances, sterilized etc. it is composition of pure local herbs and silver. Packet of 10 tablets is the composition of unbelievable magical. Such a tonic that absorbs in every part of the body and body say itself that I am healthy, fresh and strong. It is such a blessing that healing every part of the body spiritually and physically. On using “Zarghawani Naqrai”, get unbelievable powers in body and remain strong and healthy till old age. Person took interest in work hard.  Body of those patients who became yells after treatment of severe illness, blood deficiency, deprivation of strength & health and body was weak, in such situation “Zarghawani Naqrai” will prove light in the dark. “Zarghawani Naqrai” gave new life to the body, freshness to heart, remove tiredness, maintain digestive system, and enrich sexual power by remedying reproduction substance. It strengthening muscles. “Zarghawani Naqrai” by rectify weakness of every part of the body and makes it healthy person. Everyone who belongs to any age group or temperament may use it in any weather. Modern age made everything machine. Journey of years passed in hours and minutes. Human ages become short but wishes long. Every thing is doing in seconds. Quickness is the temperament. People are confused in increasing problems of life. Every human trying to go ahead with the passage of time but its health going down because fast life did not allow to take attention for health. Fast life provides many facilities with number of nerve disease due to which human facing more stress. In the race of becoming first, greediness, far from religion, dissatisfaction and tiredness make nerve system weak and at last it appears in the shape of emotional and nervous disease for example stress, depression, confusion in business, trading psychological problems, domestic problems, lack of sleep, sexual debility, lose of appetite, feeling full stomach, irritation in food pipe, burden on chest on breath, uncertainty, up & down shoulder pain, neck & back pain, headache, unconsciousness of body parts, dull life, in such situation person become unrest. In view of these problems, “Zarghawani Naqrai” compound prepare with precious and priceless herbs, it is royal tonic for body.  In the whole world people searching such an effective, certified and researched formula that not only raised their mental abilities but also strengthen and provide effectiveness to their nervous system, particularly their sexual abilities, convert tiredness of the whole day in to comfort. On observation, it is learnt that due to day by day problems, illness, depression and work load, man feeling loser and sexless. It this condition one should maintain its confidence with mental condition and never give up. In this situation he should maintain his physical and mental abilities by its immune system and performs its sexual role normally. “Zarghawani Naqrai” is the composition of precious medicines that make nervous system alert like a electricity. These tablets unbelievable effective for special power. Very first dose of “Zarghawani Naqrai” proves its effect, increasing strength more than expectation and make heart the center of luxuries activities. Loser and disappointed patients get real pleasure.
Life free from body pain: joints, muscles, tissues and nerves have basic relation with movement and activities of human body, Energy is the other name of strengthening of these. With the passage of time joints become dry and rough as well as tissues and nerves in and around joints make slow his movement by disappearing. As such, patient feels severe pain in joints. The cause of this pain is the use of oily and substandard food and less exercise so that food did not absorb it body. So undigested food creating problems in drainage system due to which particles those have to take out from urine started accumulating in the body and placing with gelatinous substance in joints as such joints pain started and increase with time. A man came from Dubai, told about his illness that he was going more than 50 years, whole life he work hard and now rest and comfort days come but health did not allow him. He going to weak and nervous system slow, feeling exhaustion during walk, feeling legs unconscious, sometime feeling sweet and severe pain in the body, passing many days on bed. He requested for a medicine that be his body active and could perform his working in better manner. He also urged that for a long time his special power is also weaken. Some packets of “Zarghawani Naqrai” gave him and asked to use. He used these packets of “Zarghawani Naqrai” and got such a health as he surprise with himself. Causes of illness is different from country to country, somewhere hot, somewhere cold, somewhere moisture in air and somewhere dry air so that every medicine not suitable for every country but “Zarghawani Naqrai” have a specialty, it has no restriction on patient to take it any where of the world. With the grace of God, it is the source of health for every illness. It proves very effective in Arab countries also.
Note: It is pure local medicine; there is no restriction to take it any country of the world. “Zarghawani Naqrai” is very effective for joints pain and muscles pains particularly to make alert lifeless parts. Its use maintains balance of Uric Acid in blood. It raises supply of blood at the place of pain. “Zarghawani Naqrai” is the best for backache and leg pain. It is priceless gift even for most severe pain. It maintains spinal bone. Besides, when a pregnant woman could not tolerate pain of uterus or feels backache during her period, use of “Zarghawani Naqrai” remove all these pains.
Treatment of paralysis, tremor and stroke patients: In the body, supply of blood is the symbol of life in the body and if there is no blood supply then life makes paralysis. Whenever quantity of cholesterol increases in the blood, obstacles came in circulation of blood, and where blood circulation stop such part effect and such illness called stroke. It is normally attack on half body. Magical effect of “Zarghawani Naqrai” controls over blood pressure and “Zarghawani Naqrai” keep cholesterol in balance. It enriches nervous system. By providing freshness to vital organs, heart & brain, liver, it keeps patients far from lethal diseases. Why diabetic patients are disappointed? “Zarghawani Naqrai” proves water of life for diabetic patients. “Zarghawani Naqrai” removes all weaknesses which were creating from diabetics by raising immunity with special power. Mostly diabetic patients unable to bear child, we advise these patients to take “Zarghawani Naqrai” as such their special power restore and now they have children.
Note: The use of Nishati with “Zarghawani Naqrai” makes double effect. “Zarghawani Naqrai” controls urine because diabetic or non-diabetic persons who pass urine many time in an hour or they could not control over it or it passes while they getting up from their bed or falling its drops every time, by the use of “Zarghawani Naqrai” then such patients of urine treated well.
Good News: Women may also use “Zarghawani Naqrai” in any disease mentioned above with satisfaction. It is equally effective for children, teen and old age.


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