Nabvi Bartan — Mudd


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An introduction to Prophet’s ﷺ Saa:
This is the Prophet’s (ﷺ) Saa. Saa a large utensil of Prophet ﷺ while Mudd he small. The Prophet peace be upon him had these utensils and a measuring instrument. Our leader ﷺ and His Blessed Family and Companions used these utensil for measuring tool drinks and food also and to perform Wuzu and Ghusl. Saa and Mudd were commonly used during and after the Madni Era. Therefore Prophet ﷺ prayed to Allah to bless Mudd and Saa abundantly.
Expensive hotels and expensive eateries yet utensils made of copper… why?
Just like the Mughal era bronze utensils are again being these days. There are big hotels (Lahore food Street has such hotels) where booking is done in advance and food is served in old copper utensils. It’s the same thing to eat but it costs more! You give a hundred rupees for a thing that costs a few rupees only because it is being served in an old fashioned copper utensil. Instead of using old copper utensils in marriages, why don’t we use Saa and Mudd which are made up of pure copper in order to stay healthy and to improve our lifestyle? We should use them in cooking and in everything else! Such as making tea and drinking both the utensils, the small and the big one, are fashionable thing and a source of good health. Why wait?
The certificate of authenticity of Mud and Saa was given to Sheikh Ul Wazaif by Maulana Habeebullah Qurban Muzahiri’s (buried in Jannat Ul Baqi) special helper of Sheikh Ul Hadees Hazrat Maulana Mohammad Zakariyya رحمتہ اللہ علیہ during Hajj 2019. His authentication travels through, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ’s Family and Companions  Barotuk Shah Ishak رحمتہ اللہ علیہ and other Honourable Interpreters of Hadith and then finally to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
The big utensil is called Saa and the small is called Mudd.
A rare and special Prophetic ﷺ gift!
Won’t you feel lucky if you are gifting someone a special Prophetic ﷺ gift? Let’s gift it and be among those who strive to give rare gifts.
Cure of eleven dangerous and untreatable diseases is in Copper Utensils. Read this and be surprised.
In ancient times, it was a usual practice to eat and drink in copper utensils. There were diseases, but no pains, no big hospitals and tests. When people stopped using copper utensils, eleven diseases became prevalent in their society.
The treatment of infertility was never this common like it is now a days. All of this is because we stopped using copper utensils.
Even the thousands of years old civilizations of Babylon and Nineveh, Greece and modern science reveals that the secret of long life is in the use of copper utensils.
To get rid of eyesight glasses:
Everyone has eyesight problems and thus wear eyesight glasses. The use of copper utensils fulfil that need of body and eyes due to which one’s eyesight doesn’t weakens and doesn’t need eyesight glasses anymore.
Tension and depression ends:
Mental asylums, mental diseases, tension and depression have increased now a days. Medical science says that the person who uses copper utensils never suffers from these diseases. Just go forty to fifty years back, did people suffered from these diseases before?
 Ageing before age:
One ages early, body weakens and wrinkles appear. In Europe and in America, copper is given a certain shape and turned into capsules. These capsules are very expensive and they stop one’s ageing before time. The person who uses copper utensils gains this benefit too.
Alzheimer’s disease is the most dangerous disease in the world at the moment in which a person loses his memory and becomes a living corpse. All scientific research ends up on copper that this disease is developed due to lack of using copper utensils. Now copper utensils are considered as a treatment of Alzheimer disease which are used in Europe and America. 
Healing from Parkinson disease:
Parkinson disease is prevalent all over the world. In this disease a person cannot eat food by himself. If you want to live a healthy life and you want to save your generations from such a disease in which the body continuously keeps on shivering, the person is not able to walk properly, the person keeps on falling here and there and injures himself. So increase the use of copper utensils in making and eating food and in drinking. If you have any doubts, then you have your phone in your hand. Search about copper on internet and then you’ll see further researches on it.
Painful joints, back pain, problems of back and disc and other dangerous and untreatable diseases all can be treated using copper.  This is why Americans are returning back to using copper utensils. Whoever will use copper utensil, that person will never suffer from joint and back related diseases. And in case he suffers, it will be cured. This is a definite truth that copper utensils are like spirit and life to human body. During their use, small amounts of copper enter the body. For example just like science is saying that increased use of plastic utensils are increasing cancer cases.
To cure cancer:
Did we ever heard about cancer before? Did you ever saw great cancer hospitals and tests happening before? In 1882, an American scientist wrote an entire book that when people will stop using copper utensils, great cancer hospitals will emerge and even then it will be incurable leaving people to die helplessly. The cure and prevention from cancer is hidden in copper utensils.
Get rid of gastric diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, obesity, flatulence, constipation, hemorrhoids. You’ll be surprised that all of this is because we stopped using copper utensils. We do not take care of small things in life but these small things have great effect on life. If a small particle of red chili comes by, a person sneezes. Although that particle is not visible but it holds its effect. Likewise these copper particles have healing effects.
The secret of healthy and beautiful children is in copper utensils. You can check further details on internet and you will see the facts. Jews also have a special group who do not let their generations use any other utensil. Elders and children both use copper utensils. Surprisingly, these copper utensils are Mud and Saa. Exactly similar in appearance, weight and style.
In addition, use of copper is the cure for heart diseases, high blood pressure, muscle weakness and general body weakness. It is the last cure for body weakness. Note: If you want to know about these diseases, search about copper on internet and you’ll find all the researches.
Come! Let’s return back to the thing that we got from Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the thing that was our nation’s gift as well. Sub-continent used to have copper coins. Then where did we lost our way? And why? Let’s learn the lesson that we have forgotten and remind others of it. What an amazing thing will it be if you’ll gift this to other. You will feel proud for sure.


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