KHOON SAFA (Powder) – – Detox


SKU: UBQARI108 Category:


Daily uses of chemical, artificial and spicy foods are leaving its effect as such quantity of poisonous and acid particles in blood increases that make skin affected, stain on skin and make beautiful face to unattractive. Now treatment of this unattractive face is being treated by lotion and cream, it is problem of internal instead of external. To make skin clean through purify blood internal, eliminate acid and poisonous substances from blood that is the main cause of stain on skin. “Khoon Safa” is an amazing compound that is harmless and without any side effect. Thousands of people tested and found positive results. Only one packet of “Khoon Safa” is the medicine for those who have pimple & acne at their face that was removed from lotion and cream, you abstain from many things but problem still existed. Whether face unattractive, spotted, keeping old pimple, acne and stain, skin rashes on face, only use “Khoon Safa” with confidence. As long old disease as much use it with constant and trust. First dose will tell you that how I am effective. Deficiency of skin, old itching, irritation and boil whether all of these diseases cause is deficiency of blood, any type of infection, allergy or diabetic, you can “Khoon Safa” take relief from these diseases as well as any kind of irritation, itching and injury. Such like patients of old itching and allergy that will not be removed by any medicine and when they use “Khoon Safa” and take benefits. In rainy days any one may suffer from itching, irritation or injury, whose may trust on “Khoon Safa” and it make worriless from all medicines or ointments. Whether your skin going to be dark and in other colour then use some packets of “Khoon Safa” and you its positive result. Some persons have good allergy or those whose skin infected due to eating artificial and spicy food, taking relief from creams for time being, they use “Khoon Safa” and take life time relief from ailment, Eczima, ring worm, dry or pus itching, it provide heal to all. Similarly it is test and effective medicine for gas, constipation, evaporation, high blood pressure, syphilis, irritation in urine and other diseases of urine.


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